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Elder's Equine can also provide the following types of surgery:


Upper airway - Tie backs, tie forward, sinus surgery, etc.

Urogenital - castrations, ovariectomy, cryptorchidectomy (retained testicle), bladder stones etc.

Orthopedic - fractures, arthrodesis (joint fusions), etc.

Soft tissue - musculoskeletal, mass removal, etc.

Colic and major abdominal surgery

Foals - ruptured bladder, umbilical infections, angular limb deformities, tendon contracture, etc.

Other general and emergency surgery

General equine surgical consultation with Dr. Bell

Arthroscopy Surgery- shows full process of surgery

Elders Equine is the only equine specialty practice in Manitoba with full surgical capabilities. The surgical suite consists of a fully padded induction/recovery stall, 1 tonne hoisting system, fully articulating surgical table, intra-operative blood gas analysis (I-Stat), advanced anesthestic monitoring equipment (ECG, CO2, Direct and Indirect Blood Pressure Monitoring, SPO2, temperature, all digitally recorded), Gas Anesthesia with ventilator for procedures longer than 1 hour in duration or total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) for shorter procedures. All anesthetic protocols are developed with a veterinarian specially trained in anesthesia.

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